The Harvard Medical School
Boston, MassachusettsJanuary 28
1924Dear Miss Turner:
I should ask the committee to clear up all requirements except the thesis - to give you all the examinations necessary - you are more than learned enough to satisfy them on that head. I should also ask them to accept a thesis done in England. Finally, I should work in Oxford, if you can get in there. The reason is that your sojourn in Oxford will be more instructive, more restful, and more impressive on the simple trustees mind, than a similar period spent with Dr. Drinker. I don't feel that my opinion of Dr. Drinker should be given to any applicant for work in this university.
It would naturally be a pleasure to have you accessible, but I am quite clear as to the advantage to you of the mental and physical change afforded by life at Oxford.
Yours affectionately
W. T. Porter