A Letter written on Jan 5, 1923

Esther Loring Richards, M. D.
1316 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland

Lady dear,

The thought of your coming down thrills me. Make it mid-years instead of Easter if you can. I must go home at Easter. Father is growing older so rapidly it breaks my heart. He is up to 7 A.M. breakfast, goes out & does chores all day, eats well & sleeps well, but his tremors are no better. During the last month or two he has had something I have dreaded - urinary incontinency to a certain degree. It is part of his musculature affliction which is inevitable, but oh, so hard to have happen. It did seem as if he could have been spared that.

Miss Goddard called up tonight & asked if you were coming down. She wishes to know a week ahead so she can arrange a Sunday tea at the College Club for you. Of course you'll want to see all the girls down here, & they you. So, I accepted in your behalf. Come anytime & stay as long as you can. I enclose outline of a course at Bryn Mawr that will interest you & Dr. Underhill. Keep it as I have the original. They have asked me to give the 2 Mental Hygiene lectures. Dr. Meyer urges it so I suppose I shall. I dread the agony of preparation.

So much love to you.
