A Letter written on Jul 28, 1924

Esther Loring Richards, M.D.
1316 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland


Lady dear,

I shall not be home in time to make it August, but we can surely arrange for Sept. I wish you could come for a week end to Sherborn either the 7th, or some other time. We'll talk of it later. Father asks about you every time I'm home. I don't know what's ahead of me in Sept. Augustus' ex-wife is trying to reopen his divorce for a new trial - ex is blackmail - attempting to show collusion between her lawyers in the previous trial and his. She cannot get the children or annul the decree but she can drag that horrible mess into court - (Hartford, Conn)[.] She claims she is going to call on me to testify - to what I don't know. The trial is supposed to come off in Sept. It was to have been in June, but it was postponed. Perhaps it will be again. I want to see you somewhere.

Love - Esther