A Letter written on Sep 19, 1920

1317 N. Chas.
Sept. 19, '20.

Dear Miss Turner,

I'm sorry about the brace. For several years I wore one of those Boston outfits of torture. I know what they can do to one's spirit int he way of wearing off the edges. Do you endure the thing at night too? Some day you are coming down here to have a real corset made.

I have nothing to complain of in my present work. The hitch over nurses is coming as will other evils around the Jew. He is a Jew - conceited, aggressive, cowardly, suspicious, & thoroughly disloyal. He ridicules the Chief behind his back & attempts to set the staff against him. So why should I escape. Both of us realize this disloyalty, but it must be borne. With such a man team work is impossible. One just goes on ignoring pin pricks knowing that with rope enough he will hang himself. Augusta did. The years I bore her nagging & rudeness & jealous criticism. She conned herself in time, so will the Jew. Mrs. Burke did it also. This man cannot hurt me or my reputation. Whether or not I allow his meanness to irritate is my own problem. I've endured something of an apprenticeship in the fort.

Glad you had a bit of rest at Woods Hole.

Much love,