A Letter written on Dec 11, 1928

Tues. Dec 11, 1928.

Lady dear,

I have delayed answering your letter because I am uncertain as to my Christmas holiday plans. I returned from Colorado rather tired, perhaps not knowing how tired. I plunged into a lot of work waiting for me, & then had a left sided head for 1 week followed last Sunday by small sciatica neuritis on the right. It seems to be a diffuse thing. Every bone in my body my body [sic] aches & I seem to be a mass of neurotic pains. Today I bought an electric pod to try its magic. I think I am plane [sic] tired. Maybe I'm going to have the strength again. At any rate I didn't feel like setting any dates for the next 2 weeks. Suppose you go on to N.Y.C. the 28th. Let me know where you are staying & I if [sic] I go up to N.Y.C. over that week end we'll do something together. I am working too hard. I don't seem to know where or when to stop.

This I do know, & that's when I feel this way it is time to go to bed for a few days & rest. Please back the [...] to Miss Ball.

My dear love to you