The Johns Hopkins Hospital June 5, 1920.
Lady dear,
Have just walked a block with your friend Lillian Welsh. Her first greeting was, "Well, are you going to stay where you are another year?" Said I, "I am." Whereupon with a risus sardonicus & a shrug of the shoulders said she, "I'm glad you're satisfied." I wonder if I'm paranoid in regard to her. Everytime I meet her she says something that makes me feel I am wasting my life in riotous living, or else too feeble-minded to acquire the neuron patterns necessary for further endeavors. Tell me, do you think I imagine things in this direction.
How busy you must be just now! I wish I were there to see you & a few others, but am glad to avoid the mob. I want to see you alone & in peace & quiet. Do you suppose I can run up for a week end of July or August?
I have just turned down 3 jobs for next year because I feel that I have an ideal place for service right here. My ability is definitely limited. There are a few things I can do fairly well, & I mean to be content & stick to them.
I enclose a clipping announcing the appointment of Miss B. K. Young as Dean of Women at Reed College. [Clipping no longer with the letter.] She spends the summer in England & I hope to see her in N.Y.C. before she sails. As you know she is a person whom I admire greatly.
Write me at Sherborn after June 15th where I shall be till Sept 1st.
Much love,