A Letter written on Dec 4, 1929

Esther Loring Richards, M.D.
41 West Preston Street
Baltimore, Maryland


Lady dear,

I just blew in from N.Y.C. this A.M. on the midnight & found your letter, & one from Margaret Ball. Both spoke of Miss Smith's death. Lady dear, your letter touches my heart in a way that I cannot put into words. What Miss Smith meant to you is something no one knows except you. I know just enough about it to sense the pain, a little bit. I long to put my arms around your neck, and hold you close to me, and not say a word. I shall do it too, when I come up to College Jan. 2nd and stay with you. I ask you to plan to come here over your midyears in Feb. as my guest from the time you leave College till you return. You can take the train at Springfield & come straight thro' without changing. Please say "yes." I want to see you & play with you.

I go up to N.Y.C. for 3 consecutive Tuesdays in December, keeping up my lectures in Balto. on Thursdays the same. 3 more graduate students came today, - from Siam, from India, & So. Dakota.

I am asking Margaret down between Christmas & New Years when she can leave her father in N.Y.C. for a few days. Her letter sounded forlorn & timid. How much I owe to you who have taught me!

I love you, Lady dear. I know that you feel it, even tho' time & space separates [sic] us!
