A Letter written on Dec 25, 1931

Dr. Esther L. Richards
41 West Preston Street
Baltimore, Maryland

Christmas night.

Lady dear,

It was so good to see the dear handwriting of yours once again. The spoon is beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. You always pick out such unique remembrances. I shall scan the horizon for that promised letter. When am I going to see you? When are midyears at College? I presume they are in Feb. I shall be here throughout Feb. except from the 18th to the 23rd when I go to Detroit. Couldn't you come down at midyears? How are you, and how are things going? I suppose the College is thrilled over Miss Woolley's appointment. I wrote her a vote last night. She is a remarkable woman.

M. Carey Thomas has been writing her memoirs for the last 2 years. They will be read by a few hundreds of people. Miss Woolley has been writing hers for years on the pages of current history and human relationship. While in N.Y. early in Dec. I saw the paintings of the 12 famous women in Minch's gallery on W 58th. They are God-awful - done by one Leon Gordon. He ought to have life imprisonment. Of course I know Miss Woolley & Dr. Sabin best. It is a crime to let the public see such caricatures of these really great people.

I go to N.Y C Monday for a few days to air out the brain cells. Please let me find a letter from you when I get back? With my dear love and every good wish for the New Year.
