Dr. Esther L. Richards
41 West Preston Street
Baltimore, MarylandChristmas night.
Lady dear,
It was so good to see the dear handwriting of yours once again. The spoon is beautiful. I have never seen anything like it. You always pick out such unique remembrances. I shall scan the horizon for that promised letter. When am I going to see you? When are midyears at College? I presume they are in Feb. I shall be here throughout Feb. except from the 18th to the 23rd when I go to Detroit. Couldn't you come down at midyears? How are you, and how are things going? I suppose the College is thrilled over Miss Woolley's appointment. I wrote her a vote last night. She is a remarkable woman.
M. Carey Thomas has been writing her memoirs for the last 2 years. They will be read by a few hundreds of people. Miss Woolley has been writing hers for years on the pages of current history and human relationship. While in N.Y. early in Dec. I saw the paintings of the 12 famous women in Minch's gallery on W 58th. They are God-awful - done by one Leon Gordon. He ought to have life imprisonment. Of course I know Miss Woolley & Dr. Sabin best. It is a crime to let the public see such caricatures of these really great people.
I go to N.Y C Monday for a few days to air out the brain cells. Please let me find a letter from you when I get back? With my dear love and every good wish for the New Year.