Dr. Esther L. Richards
41 West Preston Street
Baltimore, MarylandJan. 6, 32
Lady dear,
Your letter is a fun delight except as it deals with rosettes [?] & things. I didn't like that. I don't know what to tell you about humankind operations. Surgeons call 'em "minor operations." Patients act as if they were majors, & I believe the pt. They] pull the strength down, & don't heal rapidly, & fasts are necessary to give tissues a chance. I shouldn't think you ought to count on less than 2 weeks to get going again. Can't you use ointments to tide you over till June? but then you want to sail abroad. It troubles me. I don't think you ought to start out unless they're fixed. You sound very cheerful which delights my heart. I want to see the publications. Miriam & I could share a slent [?] together.
Yes, it is a book I'm sending you. I'm sick of the whole mess, & long to emigrate to Australia. It has been very hectic, partly I suppose because my work is increasingly heavy, & partly because of the community work that presses me all the time. I cannot escape it, tho' I weed out every possible demand. I am eager to see you. Please try & visit me in Feb. or anytime you can get away. Sunday I trip over to Wash. to hear & see Miss Woolley for a brief moment. Isn't Miss Marks going with her to look after the wardrobe & larynx etc. Dawes' judgment I cannot trust in such matters. How's Ann? You didn't say, so I suspect the worst. Please write again & soon
Your loving