Esther Loring Richards, M.D.
1316 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland2-20-'27
Lady dear,
This is a line to state that tomorrow is your birthday, that I remember it, & love you. I enjoyed your letter at Christmas so much. The knife I carry with me everywhere & use it. I hope all goes reasonably well with you. And ever if it doesn't, I know that your spirit remains serene & cheerful, & that you are an unostentatious optimist.
As for me, there is little to say. I am tearing along like a wild cat in the density of forest thickets. The chief is not well, tired & a bit depressed, & leans more & more on me. I hate to shake him off, & yet the pressure seems unbearable at times. He canot [sic] say "no", or jack up a lazy & delinquent staff, who take advantage of his kindness. I have no time for reading, meditation or research. From Feb. 7th to June 1st I have a schedule of 19 hs. a week of teaching with an average of 10-12 opinions daily on new cases. Next year he tells me the Sch. of Hygiene is asking for 2 P.Ms a week of me instead of 2 hrs. as hertofore. [sic] I've told him I have to have an assistant or quit. Our clinic is lumbered with a bunch of mental cripples for whom all sorts of allowances have to be made because of some eccentricity. I have just returned from a 5 day speaking trip in Buffalo & N.Y.C. The B. group was 700 - & I was told that I gave the best paper of the bunch they've had thus far. The Mt. H. Alumnae then gave me a delightful luncheon at which were the Supt. of Schools, Pres. of Academy of Medicine, & heads of the Prep. Schools there. Feb. 11th I gave the Goodrich lecture at Columbia which was given last year by George Vincent of the Rockefeller. It's all very interesting, but a terrific strain. I met Ethel Sturtevant there & Mary Jenness & Marion Ober of 1908, & Dorothy Rowell of 1909. Marion is teaching biology in Brooklyn. Mary J. is taking an M.A.
Father keeps well, was at my lecture - the first time he has even heard me speak. He was surprised to see "such a large audience," & that "none of them got up & went out!" So was I!
I got a pathetic letter from Miss Ball not long ago. I wish she could have a little let up on life.
When are you coming down? Amy Miller was asking for you.
Much love,