A Letter written on Jan 16, 1927

The Johns Hopkins Hospital


Lady dear,

Just a line to tell you that I am so pleased with the knife. I carry it all the time & enjoy its integrated personality. I am interested in the phys. & biology controversy. It seems to me that the Depart. of Phys. should head up Hygiene for the College with mental hygiene & physical training grouped around it as part of the field of Health. I'm not surprised at them. He has some good ideas, though, & is a safe man from the psychiatric standpoint. N.Y.C. is being swamped with psychoanalysis & Dr. Meyer feels that the situation is very serious. The point of view is distinctly distructive from the standpoint of civilization in that it belittles the family as a unit, makes illicit sex relations legitimate, & decries the necessity for any habits of emotional control. I'd hate to see it get into Mount Holyoke. I have just heard the [sic] Mrs. Frances Fenton Bernard has been psychoanalyzed & now has "a singing voice."

I spoke at the Univ. of Buffalo the night of Feb. 10th, & at Teachers College the night of Feb. 11th. The latter has asked me to discuss Mental Hygiene & the Student Nurse from the standpoint of nursing education.

Howard Kelly is revising his 2 volume Gynecology, & has asked me to write a chapter on the relation of Gyn. to the field of Psychopathology. This will be the first Gyn. text to have such a chapter. On Feb. 1st, I begin a course of 2 hrs. a week (1 semester) for the students of Social Economics. For 6 weeks it runs coincident with 6 hours a week of psychiatry fr nurses. It's too much for their best good & mine. There's something wrong that nobody else arises to do it. The other day Dr. M. told me that the Sch. of Hygiene (Dr. Howell) was asking for 2 entire P.M.s a week next year in mental hygiene instead of the 2 hrs. a week I have been giving them. Our staff is infested with a bunch of mental cripples who stay on year after year, have personalities that grequire wet nursing, do little work & accumulate the mass of their own importance. he chief hasn't the heart to fire 'em. He knows all these facts.

Much love to you