Hotel Seville
Fifth Avenue & Twenty-Ninth St.,
New York.
John F Garrety, Manager
Sat. A. M. 20thLady dear,
Here I am in hiding again. Had a delightful meeting all day yesterday with the Committee on Educational Policies. Miss Woolley was her own gracious self. What a keen mind she has. Miss Comstock I fell hard for. She is a charming woman - well balanced, thoughtful, thoroughly intelligent. Mrs. F. Bernard Parks showed up against such a background as poorly [?] as I did.
This P.M. Im [sic] going over to Columbia to see Mrs. Helen Woolley's plant for child study.
Thanks for the picture. It is very like you & I'm glad to have it. Feb. 1st I start in on that made plunge for June [?] that I dislike so much. Dr. Meyer has been down with flu for a week, & so has most of the staff. Miss Cross has gone to Bermuda for 3 weeks with a friend of hers. I get letters that make me hopeful that she's getting a new slant on things. How I wish you were nearer & I could drop in for a talk. It was an inspiration to see you at New Year's. Perhaps you'll come down in the Spring.
My dear love to you.