A Letter from Gertrude to her father, Dec 1879

South Hadley, Mass.
Dec. 1879.
Mr. Jos. Robbins
My Dear Father

This is a business letter, one of the kind it 'most takes a piece out of my heart to write, I would have inserted a note in the letter to the girls had I know[n] then, it would be necessary, but a bill has been presented to me since I wrote, as this is the close of the term they are settling up all accounts with the girls, last fall just after I finished my examinations I was completly [sic] worn out & was rather sick for a few days, during which time I was under the case of our female M.D. I didn't think it was necessary to tell you, as I was not serious, but I did think for a little while I'd have to give up & come home but I recovered entirely and have been continuing to be in a state amazing to myself. My Dr. bill was larger than I anticapated [sic], & I am under the hands of a dentist at present whose bill, I imagine will be rather formidable, and what I want is to ask you if you wont send me a check for $100 instead of $75, which will last me until spring.

Pa, this seems enormous to me, and it worries me very much, but I can't see anyway to avoid it.

I have every cent down in my book which I mean to show for your inspection. My extra expenses so far have been considerable less than Annas, which is quite consoling, as she is quite an economist.

Our weather for the past few weeks has been delightfully warm & pleasant, but it looks to day is if 'old winter' was making a desperate effort to assert his rights; it is snowing & blowing as fast as it can, I am glad for I dont think Christmas, is half a Christmas unless we have snow & sleighing, but then sleighing is out of my reach unless you wouldent [sic] think it too (awful) extravagant for Anna & I to hire a horse & sleigh during vacation & take a ride(?)

The girls frequently drive out Wednesday afternoon, but they always have to have one of the faculty with, which will not be necessary in vacation, & I never joined any of their excursions which of course was simply because I have no time.

I feel like persecuting you with a long letter, but will spare you & turn my attention to my more matter of fact "Bible Lesson".

Your loving Daughter