"Quality Alley"
S. Hadley Mass 26/
My Dear Father:-Received Sadie's letter yesterday, thank you very much for the money, I feel free again since the burden of debt has been removed, but I was disappointed at not having a letter from you.
What delightful times you are having with your new piano and Sadie Brown to play for you. A taste of good playing will give you an idea of what pleasant times there will be when the girls learn to play. It will be cultivating and refining besides the great source of pelasure it will be to them.
I had a pleasant letter from Brother to day, he'd just received his graduating suit, time seems pretty near doesn't it.
He will soon be classed with men instead of boys. Intellectually I think he has grown much during this year and your taking him into you your [sic] confidence has brought him out and made a man of him.
The address he delivered before the convention at Pittsburgh was a clean logical statement of facts and very well written. In his last letter he spoke of me going over to W. to see him graduate; I would like above all things to go, but will not unless I can go as my brother would like to have me and counting my expenses home and the new dress I would require it would be fifty dollars ($50). Of course I have had nothing new this year since I came away and if I go to commencement an addition to my wardrobe will be absolutely necessary, but if you feel that it can not be afforded, I want you to write and tell me and that will settle the matter.
This has been a beautiful day. Spring has rushed upon us very suddenly, it has been a few days since we had a snow storm.
I have just come up from practicing gymnastics, I am a member of the dumb-bell class which consists of forty picked girls who are to take part or rather are to give an entertainment at the close of the year, we practice with unflagging zeal, my muscles are becoming [developed?] at a marvelous pace.
A crowd of girls went to North Hampton last Wednesday and visited the insane asylum there, it is a state affair, the grounds are very large and hansomely [sic] laid out, the buildings are brick with brown stone trimmings, the halls and rooms are spacious and well furnished. we were taken [to] several departments where they were at work, I had the misfortune to resemble a hated relative of one of the poor creatures and she immediately made a bee line for me with a hot iron in her hand, bringing down various [...] on my head [...] needless to say I made my exit.
Good night love to all,