A Letter from Greta to Gertrude, Aug 17, 1884

Media, Aug 17/84

My Dear Gertrude,

I want to thank you for your birthday wish. It was very sweet, indeed, as are all your letters. how can you write so beautifully when you wish to? That is one of your blessings. I wonder if you appreciate it. I presume you think I am queer for not acknowledging ever your last letter. Well, Gertrude I have been so tired all summer, that I have not done any thing at all scarcely. I do not seem ever to get rested but I will not get discouraged.

No, I have not written regularly even to Laura; but she understands me perfectly, and will forgive me. She has written me some very lovely letters, just like her true, real self. Oh! was there ever such a girl. She is one in a thousand. I never, until I was separated from her, comprehended how much she was to me and how much she has become a part of my life, although I did know what she has made my school-life. And yet you once said to me that you did not think any of the girls were necessary to my happiness. Oh! Gertrude, little you understand this one when you call friend.

Has your summer been a happy one, and what have you been doing? Making the little ones happy and the home brighter. After our four years at Mt. Holyoke we ought to be something to our family, something that we never could have been had we not had strewn around us so many sweet influences.

My sister, Anna is really going to the Sem. and I am going with her. Will not that be delightful? I am looking forward to it with much pleasure. Anna does not seem to joy in the prospect. One of my duties is calling me so I must stop. Write to me soon, Gertrude, if you can.

Again let me thank you for your birthday thought. Lots of girls were so kind to me on that occasion.

Yours very sincerely