A Letter from Gertrude to her sister Chillie, Oct 1, 1882

Bower of Bliss
"Quality Alley"
South Hadley, Mass.
Oct 1" 1882
Miss Chilli Robbins

Dear Chillie, [Gertrude's little sister, about 12 years old]

I have just been watching the morning sunlight chase the purple shadows off the summit of Mt. Holyoke.

The maidens on either side of me are singing hymns, which is rather distracting, considering each one is singing a different tune.

I'm so glad it is such a lovely Sabbath, it will be a real pleasure to go out to Church this morning. I miss you children more on Sabbath than any other time, how I would love to see you this morning. Tell Joe [their little brother, about 3 years old] we went over to an old farmers' yesterday after noon (who is a particular friend of mine) and he gave us a watermelon and a basket of apples, blessings on him. The pumpkin melon was superb, we had a feast on it last night couldn't wait untill [sic] today.

My Sunday work is working on the "breakfast circle" every other Sabbath, I get up at the hour well before breakfast & help dish up the food, namely "hash" the kind you dream about, and brown bread coffee, but I got [sic] I can do justice to two cups of crust coffee as if I were at home and had the genuine.

There is a native girl from Turkey here studying English she is very good and often addresses religious meetings in behalf of her benighted brethren. She can grasp the idea of ordinary conversation, but slang or unusual expressions are beyond her. A short time ago, she overheard Blanch Epler (a harum scarum that says whatever comes into her head first) say some girl "was a regular old pill,["] she asked her what that meant and Blanch told her it meant a very nice person. Well a short time afterward she spoke at a public meeting and was telling about a very good man and said "he was very nice, a regular old pill," imagine it, teachers [chuckled?], Blanch lectured by the faculty "et cetera."

My chums are engaged in both trying to look in our small glass at the same in getting their toiletts [sic] made for Church. I don't see much chance for me, but guess I'll try and disperse the children.

I've changed my sleeping room from the music room to an apartment with a huge creature from the backwoods of Maine, she snores so I always have to wake her up so I can get to sleep, tra-la-la [from?] Church.

May's [their little sister; about 11 years old] letter was splendid & I'll answer it soon.

Did Pa sell that ticket all right & why didn't he send it down to me when I telegraphed for it?