Greensburg Pa
Jan 11 1886
Dear Father
I write you concerning Gertrude. Mrs. Starrett desires her to come on at once and assist in teaching. She also desires to borrow money, this I think inadvisable for the reason that she has not been successful hitherto financially. she says in a letter of the 7" inst which I sent to Gertrude, that if she could only loan her 200 dollars she could do, she offers a lawyer of good standing as surety. The place is everything that could be desired for Gertrude - the social influences most excellent, work light, a large private house in the subarbs [sic] of Chicago in a most delight [sic] and healthful location - five miles from Court house on Ill-Central R.R. I should like to see Gertrude go and try it the remaining part of the year. If you could find it possible to give her $300 dollars, $200 dollars to be loaned on security above mentioned and $100 dollars for her expenses, as she will get little or no salery. I would think it proper and for Gertrude's best interest. I took Gertrude out in Dec. and I made personal examination into the matter. I found Mrs. S- one of the brightest of women, very intellectual keen and pleasant, and the very sort of person I desire Gertrude to be associated with. The school is in an excellent locality and I think must prosper. If you can see your way clear to do this, I will be gratified and think it for Gertrude's best interest at this time.
Very affectionately
Your son
E E Robbins
Jos Robbins
Robbins Pa