Edward E. Robbins,
Attorney at Law,
Greensburg, Penna.
Greensburg, Pa., Nov 8 1885.
My dear Sister,
I scarcely know where to write for you, Uncle Charlie said you thought of coming in here and that they wanted you very much to come in here to stay. Then you wrote as if you might go to Wooster for a while. As I have not heard of your going I will venture this letter to the home address.
Well the Campaign is over at last and I have been successful. I never worked harder in my life. Nor do I think the County was ever better organized than now for an "off year" fight. The democrats were jubilent [sic] and talked of from 600 to 1500 majority. I had made a careful canvass of the county and found that we could win by 570 of a majority. The official count now in gives majorities from 688 to 325[.] It is certainly a victory for the party in Westmoreland County, and has helped me in the County. It was terrible hard work and I am tired yet. There was some fun in it all. Each night the boys would gather in my office in crowds and address envelopes & fold documents & circulars - the last 10 days I sent 3000 thousand [sic] circulars and letters out. This support and assistance from the young men to me was most gratifying. Again the splendid work done in my native township was a matter of just pride to me. A pathetic indicent occurred too - just one year ago Mr Shoyock [?] invited me to come along with Mr Hitchman and Mr Kennedy to dinner at his house in honor of our victory in the County, just one year to the day the old man came to me as the successful chairman, broken down bankrupt and with tears in his voice plead that I use my influence to get him an appointment in the Court House. What changes a year may bring.
Sister dear I just returned from church. I had Miss Moon to Church, but every muscle in my body seems tired and worn out. Our court opens in the morning & I will have more or less to do.
I have passes for us to Chicago. When you wish to go, please let me know your plans. I am anxious about you. I can meet you in Pittsburg any evening you wish.
With much love I am your aff bro E. E. Robbins
I received your boquet [sic] many thanks -