My dear Lida.
It is a long time since I have written to you as this warm weather makes me lazy in the afternoon & I have so much to do in the morning[.] I have no girl & Hettie is on a bender this week so we have not got any of the house cleaned exept the Cellar & Attic[.]
The Garden is all made & "Egypt" planted[.] We have sallad [sic] onion, sparagrass [sic], &c &c to eat, now. we have had the yard mowed once, a good many of your starawberries [sic] were frozen but the rest are in bloom & the prospect for Berries good[.] I planted the Dahlias out this morning & three of your Tube Roses, the rest are sprouting[.] Chillie & May [Lida's younger sisters] have been fixing the Tennis Court are exhausted with their labor & have laid down to snooze.
Chillie spent yesterday at the Brinewell[.] She is delighted with Miss Jackson, Albert would not let them drive the horse. It has been so warm in the afternoon I have not called on Mrs Colmery yet[.] Chilli [sic] thinks her very much like Flora[.] Miss Steavenson did not come this week. May is getting along nicely but Chillie is going back, she don't play near as well as she did last summer.
Be sure & learn one piece well that you can play when you come home. I have been looking anxiously for your picture. How long will it be until you are home? Pa & I are going to Pittsburgh next Tuesday to get the Carpet, & I will get you a Gingham as I supose [sic] you will want a change this warm weather[.] Write how your satine fits so we will know how to make it[.] We are selling 10 Gal of milk per day but onely [sic] get 12 cts for it & bereyous [?] Butter[.] Pa says he will have to get you ome to feed the Calves.
Joe [Lida's younger brother] is wanting to go to the river to Boat ride[.] I promised to go with him when I got through writing, he is lying on the floore [sic] saying every minet [sic] Wont you soon be done[.]
The little Carrolls came along & invited the Girls up to see the "new Son" they are living on the Kukn [?] farm. John Rease has not been expected to live but is better. Mr Crum Collins, was burried [sic] yesterday, May was at Uncle Johns on Tuesday he was out shelling corn & Aunt Kizzy & the girl cleaning house[.] I sent you the March L. H. J. & send you April with this.
Write soon, as it is a long time since I have had a letter from you[.] The Girls had a letter from Gertie last night. Ed [Lida's older brother] will be home on Satur[.] Love to Lena & your dear self I hade [sic] just read an account of the Cleavland [sic] meeting & Miss Evans address I would love to have been there[.]
Our Society meets at the Parsonage next Thursday[.] I am invited to Miss McGauheys for dinner[.] Miss McG- is still at P College[.]
MotherI hope you are quite well.