Wellesley Hills
July 12My dearest Gertrude
I do not know as you have yet left the quietude of the country parsonage toward which you and the smiling Mary were wending your way when I last cauht that dear little look of yours. Gertrude it was hard hit - I was so glad Auntie was there with me to join in the farewell by the wave of her lily white hand. I could not go through with those days again, once in a life time is enough. Isn't it dear? After you were really gone Auntie administered a little scolding because of the fright I had given her, but it wasn't very severe. She said the Tylers were sure I was sick, and talked about Mt Holyoke system miming [?] girls. So Auntie had got to a very high pitch of excitement. I sent her on home. She wanted to go up to the Sem. to see the girls, but I told her we didn't want her, we only wanted ourselves. I got back just as Winifred was leaving, she expected to see Laura and myself again. Then Laura Blanch and I were left quite alone. In the evening we took Miss Rebecca rowing. Laura heard our move from her father so suppose she must go home next day, but that night she said she did not feel ready to go home and would go to Wellesley Hills if I would like. Of course I was delighted and so next morn. we parted with Blanch at Springfield, she bound for New Haven and we for Boston. Of course I said a final good bye to Blanch, but Laura and she planned that they would met in Albany when Blanch should have finished her visit at Leah's, and together they would go to Katie De Witts as Katie wanted them very much. Laura left her yesterday morn. (Friday) to meet Blanch and I suppose and hope they are very happy together in Troy where they will stay until Monday.
Laura was very tired and we had tried to give her the best of care and love and she left looking much better.
She was so tired that I did not try to entertain her much. They all love her much. She even won Uncle Charlie's heart, which not many do. He could not be home but a few days and last night when he returned was so disappointed that she had left us. As for me I feel that the Sem. and I have entirely parted.
I know we all shall be [...] for a while anyway and I do so trust always, but letter writing and gazing at pictures is a small part of the whole. The girls did help me so much. You have many a time saved me from something selfish by your beautiful unselfishness.
I hope now you are allowing people to do that for you and taking solid satisfaction in being waited upon. I do so hope you are getting rested and are not to[o] tired to rest. Do write me how you are these days. I cant help worrying about you.
I suppose you hear often from Miss P. How is the letter lady? Auntie had a letter yesterday from Miss Tyler in which she said she took tea the night before at the Parsons with "Ellen" Miss Blanchard and Miss Evans. She said Miss B. and Miss Evans were going to be together, travel together and then settle down in Miss B. home in N.H. in the summer.
My dear friend Hattie is as sorrowful as I am about leaving her Wellesley friends. She and her particular senior friends took two little trips to seashore after leaving the college; just what we ought to have done. I was telling Hattie about our address and she said Dr Vincent had given the same at the college.
We reced [sic] your telegram Friday - But - also one from Winifred. Laura had since received three. Auntie Mamie Blossom & Peerly go next week to Vermont. I am not going up until later in August before the wedding and would rather be there in beautiful September days.
Well dearie, dont forget me, when the night train comes think of me. I do of you. Would love to make this a longer letter, but currant jell is being made and pineapple canned, so following Dr Vincents advice I can to day find my sphere in kitchen. But we can all follow his word to be "strong and pure an patient" [...] are such choice adjectives.
Love to you from Auntie as well as myself. Do get lots of rest and be happy.
Loving wishes from