Two Letters from Gertrude's mother to Lida, undated

[There were two letters in this envelope. It's not clear to me which one was written first.]

Dear Lida.

This is a lovely afternoon the sun is shiing out warm & bright[.] Pa has gone up to the hillfield with Bill to start him plowing. May, Morris, & Joe [Lida's siblings] are at schoo. This is a gala day with Joe as he started with a new Second Reader this morning. He often says "I wish Lida was at home." Chillie [Lida's sister] is practicing[.] I have just written to Hornes, to send you Samples and when you make your Selection send them home as I want to go to Pittsburgh next week. I have not heard from Miss Ramsey yet[.] What do they charge for making dresses in Painesville[?] I have just ben interrupted by Ruth coming in. She wants me to send "her love to you as she always liked Lida." Annie is living at Boston[.] Ruth has Gertie's black cashmere on.

I sent my bill to Mr McKay the 1st of the month but have not heard from him[.] I shall go to McKeesport tomorrow if it is a nice day & will send you a [...] from there so you can get your pictures taken & Gymnastic Shoes if you want them.

Mr Welsh came up on Wednesday P.M. [?] Pa torpedo'd the stumps on the other farm & I sent for Mrs Welsh to bring the children for supper & spend the evening. They came and we had a pleasant time. Duncans I suppose are angry as they have not sent for milk since.

Chillie was so indignant about them not taking lessons of Miss Steavenson that I suppose there will be no more calling. May was at Uncle John G[ants?] Monday night she says she will write on sabbath & tell you about it[.] Chillie is feeling badly that you dont write to her[.] Write to her & I dont think she will write any more hatefull letters as she really loves you better than any one else[.]

It will be policy for you to keep in Gertie's good graces as she keeps writing home you ought to have so& so[.] Ed has not been at home yet. No word from Jennie Pinkerton since she went West[.] Darling write at least once a week as it seems so long between letters. Write to Chillie next as every your loving Mother.

Dear Lida.

Your request was recd yesterday at noon. I immediately sent Will to the Store for the heaviest Flane they had & this is what they sent me[.] He staid all afternoon & I did not get it made in time to send last night[.] Papa is in the City today[.] May, Morris, & Joe are at school. Chillie is baking Cookies and says she is going to send you one and will write tomorrow.

Joe was delighted with his Val [?] and commenced on the 1st page to make one for you. I am still selling milk & hope to continue have not missed once since commencing. I have not collected any yet as it has not amounted to $30. Which of course goes to Horne's[.] I would like very much for you to get your pictures taken and Papa will send you money if you write and ask him. Don't worry for you must have what you need.

In your next letter give a Program of your time[.] I hope you are taking Music or Painting. Dont forget your promise to learn to sing.

I think you are improving nicely in your Composition, Writing, & spelling. I onely [sic] noticed in your last nt "y" left out in Gymnastic & i in Suit[.]

The roads are so bad & it is so muddy I have not been any place not even to the store since you went away[.] Hoping your skirt is all right & that you will not hurt yourself in Gymnasian [sic] I am your loving
