Wash. Fem. Sem.
Feb. 27, 1878.March 1st Dear Pa
I received your good letter [...] about my expenses for last term my board and tuition are one hundred and twenty [...] dollars per session, last session I was under the impression it was only $120 per term, but fall you gave me $60 for tuition and sixty dollars when I came back after Christmas which leaves me $5 on last term yet unpaid, then my tuition & boarding will be $131. I dont know how much my wash bill will be I dont need to settle it untill [sic] the close of term.
My head is aching so hard I will have to say Good Night till to morrow.
Two days have elapsed since I began this letter, and during that interval I have had a terrible headache, but am happy to say I am much better now. This is a grand evening, the sun is far casting its last rays in my window and was it not for the bare trees I would imagine it was summer.
Miss S. took our Astronomy class out to see the constellations last night; we saw the Pleides [sic] Hyades, Egypsian [...], and a great many others, I think Astronomy is a beautiful study now, although I did not like it at first, it is some thing we can remember and apply all our lives. We have not got very deep into the science of it yet, but hope to before the End of the session. My grade in Philosophy for this term has been 95, and my average so far in English History has bee 99, and in Geometry 100. I dont know my grade in any thing else, there are only two or three of the teachers that give us our grade, Miss S. has not given us our last terms grades in any of her classes and I dont believe she ever will for I dont believe she keeps account of our recitations.
I am so glad you are coming out to the contest; I am so anxious to see you. The Senior class are going to give an entertainment in Seminary Hall Monday evening. I mean the Seminary Seniors, I think it is going to be real good, the proceeds is to go to get class rings. As for my term expenses, I would rather you would bring me the money over when you come, as there will be no hurry for the tuition money I have not got my shoes yet but can do without them untill you come over, enclosed is a bill of how I spent my money you gave me when you came here after Christmas. Edd [her brother] was up last night; said he was going to write to you real soon I suppose has told you all about the twenty second, it was quite a success.
(There were over 100 in the procession of the 22d consisting of students, they were dressed to represent all sorts [of] animals & characters & presented a funny appearance)
Prof McClellen is going to give writing lessons here for $3 [?] for 20 lessons, dont you think it would be advisable for me to take
Write soon, much love to all
Tuition $60 Car fare & buss. 1.50 Dress making 9.50 fixing dress 2.00 Buttons & thread for dresses 1.10 Ribbons & handkers-. 1.00 Astronomy Atlas Philos. & G[...] 3.50 Stationary .50 box of caramels .60 yarn for hood fee .85 necessaries stew pan &c. .45 lecture .50 concert .50 school entertainment .50 Total = $22.50 Received $85 have $2.50 remaining.