Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.Department of Botany
Dear Miss Turner,
Doubtless you have all the information you wish by this time, but I am sending on a few scraps I had in the Cape Breton folder. Do write to the Department of Mines for maps for it is the only place you can get good ones and I remember how much
yoyyou enjoyed maps.We went by train to St Johns then on to Digby and to Iona. The farther you go the better it is, so plan most of the time for Cape Breton. We liked the New Bras d'Or Hotel. They stored our citizen clothes and we had only knicker suits for the trip. You wont need another thing, unless you want the change. The folks there are so dear that you do not feel at all uncomfortable, they thing you are most sensible. In fact the men thot that their wives should adopt them.
In July you will have all the best lobster you wish, if August no lobster but much fine salmon. Not one green bite from Baddeck until you return to Baddeck. Lettuce looks like the garden of the gods.
I think you can translate this poor type, but I dare not wait for any one to copy it.
Most cordially and almost enviously,
Edith Roberts
Englishtown Mrs. McRitchie She has charge of the post office Brton [sic] Cove D. B. McLeod Ingonish Ferry Archie McLeod North Ingonish Try a J. McLeod a Mrs Burke's is too commercial You might make acall [sic] on the Mrs. and Mr. Corson's. They are wealty [sic] Bostonians that have a lovely hom[e] there and were very kind to us. The sister is Miss Folger. She is adear [sic] too. Give them our very best of you do see them.
Neil's Harbor Mrs. McLeans Aspy Bay Arctic House by Dave McDonald The deraest [sic] place to stay for an indefinite time, provided the daughters are going to come home from Boston and run it for the summer. Bay StLawrence Mr. Maurice Capstick. Do not expect too much but will give the best they have and the views are beyond description Bay St Lawrence will have to be done by boat get Mr Burton he charged us L1 [sic] dollars for the trip. Just enough risk to be exhilirating [sic] and gorgeous. Pleasant Bay Mrs George McIntosh might take yoyin [sic]. The brother is Prof. of Dalhousie University in Halifax Cap Rouge Anthony Aucouine StricylStrictly french and simpleCheticamp (eastern _arbor) Mrs. Jim Lawrence or The Royal Hotel Grand Etang have gforgotten [sic] Margaree Jim Joe Ross Lake Ainslie Malcolm MacMillan excellent and back to Baddeck The above folks
abeare real and will give you the best of their simlpe [sic] living. You will love every one in their own way and for their own charm and sinceruty. [sic] I envybyou [sic] the trip and know you will adote [sic] it.