July 15 - Boston - Yarmouth
" 16 - Yarmouth - to Digby
" 17 - Digby - Sun.
" 18 - Digby - Truro
" 19 - Truo [sic] - Pictou
" 20-22 - Pictou &c
" 23 - Pictou - Charlottetown
" 24 - ? P.E.I. - ?
" 25 - Back to Halifax
" 26 - To Dartmouth & musquodoboit [sic]
" 27 "
" 28 - To Wolfville
Sept. 1 - To Yarmouth
Lodgings at Yarmouth 15-
Digby - 16, 17
Truro - 18
Pictou - 19, 20, 21, 22
Charlottetown 23, 24?
Halifax - 25
Musquadobot [sic] 26, 27
Wolfville 28, 29, 30, 31