A Letter written on Nov 10, 1929

Sunday noon -

Dearest Honey, -

I am realizing at the moment that I am very far away, but love flies across distance. It has been a good trip on the whole, but I do not choose life on the ocean wave. Colombo will be full of business for I have to decide details of my trip to Madras and get my ticket through to that joint. Thos. Cook's man comes on board so I can put my trunk at once into his care. It will be armistice day in Colombo. The town will be full of people so I am glad my bed is engaged at the Y.W.C.A. I shall look eagerly for your letter at Colombo or at Madras. I have the next week end at Madura, I suppose -

Much, much love to you, dearest dear. I am missing you a great deal -

Yours always,
S. E. Smith

[The letter was not dated, but comparing it with the itineraries mentioned in other letters of this trip, and the mention of Armistice Day (November 11), and the calendar for 1929, it can be deduced that she wrote this on Sunday November 10, 1929.]