A Letter Written on May 9, 1925

May 9, 1925

Margaret my dear

These be a few words of advice about how to get here and all. My treasure, Donald, can give thee the best of advice about trains, but here are some words in my behalf.

Thee come on a Hell Gate bridge train - that may be an extra fare train, but that is balanced because then thee will have no taxi and porter fees while crossing New York. And thee will be inexpressibly safer. N.Y. is no place for the young girl alone etc. etc. etc. The Hell Gate train leaves at 10:20 or 11:20 AM. (West Phila.) - and I don't know whether that is by Daylight or Standard time.

Also - if thee should come up Thursday night thee would miss no more of thy classes than by taking the Friday A.M. train - and thee could attend some of my classes. I would meet thee in Holy the Friday morning as I did Don. And I think thee would enjoy the afternoon classes with Putnam (descendant of Israel Putnam a Revolutionary 1776 hard liner) & Putnam is a glorious New England instructor. She can't escape saying "Idear" & "Prussian & Russian" for two minutes together. Then to Lit class - to hear King prate of Swift, Sam Johnson, & Walpole. King says "rathaw" and "bothaw" - for is is [sic] just fresh from England.

Friday night I will sleep with thee at Miss Savoy's - and Saturday Mag - El's sister - will sleep with thee. Sunday they (El's family) may take thee unto the train: It depends on when thee must go. Or Buck will take thee, if that is most convenient to thee.

- In February, Sal & Sylvia spoke of driving up here for Mayday and they said they'd love to have thee with them. They also said that when they figured out the cost of their trip (for each) in the car last November the cost was less than the trip by train.

- But perhaps they will have spoken to thee about it, if they are coming.

I be writing this in church. They secure our attendance by compulsion. Some of the students read, some sleep, some write letters - I am doing a short story, but it doesn't come so fast.

Want to go to a play Saturday night - or a dinner & dancing in town? The play is Sheridans "Rivals" given by the college dramatic club, and will be a fine collegiate affair. Buck & Freddie, also, have offered to take us unto the Nonotuck for dinner & there's a good orchestra - ask Don. Buck & Freddie crave to meet thee - I've guaranteed thee is a good woman.

Bring a sport, a dinner (not formal - but on the type of my "wedding dress" of last summer) & a street dress. Thy suit really would serve as the sport or street costume. And I can loan thee extra shoes or things that are hard to pack.

I'll take thee canoeing next Sunday morning - unless thee has to go early.

The Rev. Miles Krumbine is speaking now. He's really quite good - I gather from time to time. He was one of the heroes of the Earlham conference that Frat and I attended.


Wee gee - I've got to sit up all night to knock together a s. story. I tried to do it this P.M. but Al came over in his cut-down roadster. We went all over Massachusetts I guess. Then Al dumped me on the big Ep porch with Georgia and [...] to amuse me while he dressed. Then we came over here and I washed off seven layers of dust, and then we went out to dinner dating. - Hw [sic] do you want a Sig Ep date for Friday. I described your beauty to Al, and he admires all good women & could easy bring over a brother. Sig Eps are the best house in Aggie.

- Write to me & tell me what you prefer to do over the week-end & I'll try to juggle to suit you best. El murmurs of throwing a tea for you. But it might wax awful formal, & if you don't want it. say so.

I'll try to meet thee in Spring if thee comes on the day time Hell Gate train. Write & tell me just what thee has decided. Gett Bill & Don to look up the hours for thee

With more love


I do want to see thee.