Thursday NightWell, Miss Flibbertygibbet; how is Philadelphia, now that thee is in it? And I trust Bill is prospering under thy care. Tell me, does thee see him a lot? - oh dear - here am I, all mewed [?] up in this female institution - altho' Sandy is driving up from Yale this Saturday, and bringing me a certain contribution. That's an incentive - to borrow clothes, if nothing else.
I was looking over my masculine mail this afternoon. I get more from my men, than anyone else, alltho' Auntie is a dear about writing. The ranks have been increased by the men I met this summer - Carrie and Pete write most amazing letters. A letter from Nono informs me, he saw thee. Aye - he lad is not bad to look upon, and writes amusing letters ever and anon. Joe writes earnestly of crops of potatoes and peaches, and calls me "dear," here and there, just to keep me interested.
And Don - well, he is pretty nice. He informs me he has had a letter from thee. Think of that! He has a very good opinion of thee. I should be worried, were it not for Bill. He has been seranading [sic] the family apparently. But they would have written about that to thee, of course. What do the dear ladies say about him - mother, and Aunt Mary and all? They only say to me that "Donald called last Wednesday and seemed to enjoy the visit."
He writes to me about three times a week, and I write him a really long letter at least once. Thee knows I am frightfully busy, but I write to him more than anyone else.
At present I am in the Infirmary with a cold, but all set to recover by Saturday. Frat is here - going into the hospital tomorrow - to have an operation for an infection on her leg. Happy (whose picture I had home this summer with El's) is in the Hospital now recovering from appendicitis. I had a wild ride into Holyoke with her in the ambulance, and stayed to the operation. Her appendix burst just as they were operating, and she is distinctly sick.
Beans goes to Boston tomorrow to buy herself a new coat. The men and I meet her in Springfield on Saturday.
Tell me more about thee, Miss Chicken, and write to me. I study in this place, but thine sounds like a weekend party. And if by any means thee can find a gold mine, seize some of the gold, and use it to come up and see me. I distinctly despise this business of not seeing thee any more - I read thy old letter about once a day on the average, so as not to lose the sense of thee. All the love in the world darling -
This college may have to close on account of the water shortage. It's the lowest in history. We can't even bathe. Maybe I will see thee soon!! I should like to have a date with the Longwell chap, if I came to Phila. He more or less asked me - and he's cute.
Some more love -