A Letter Written on Mar 16, 1838

South Hadley, March 16, ;38.

Dear Miss Stebbins,

I am happy to acknowledge your kindness in inviding me to pass vacation with you, and assure you I should esteem it a great pleasure to do so.

Miss Chapin thinks, perhaps her father may come for her in such a way, that he can take me part way; if he should not I know of no other opportunity. I am very much gratified that you took the trouble to write to me, and shall be glad to hear often from you. I had hoped to hear, Miss Charlotte's health was a good deal improved by this time. Does she think she may never be able [to] walk? If she gains at all it is not favourable? I heard a young lady here mention a similar case in New Haven, the individual after being confined two years, is able to walk very well.

I should like to write many things about the Sem. but am exceedingl[y] pressed with reviewing for examination, and preparing to be classed.

The Pamphlet I send, will tell of the "Principles &c" and hereafter I shall like to write something of our plan of operation if I should not see you.

I have no more time this morning. Please accept my love, and best wishes for yourself and sisters - also Miss Laura. I should be high[l]y gratified, if she would write, I feel quite acquainted with her, we talked a gre[a]t deal about seeing her at Ithaca last fall.

Aurelia Matson.