A Letter Written on Jul 18, 1906

Wednesday_ July 18.

Helen dear,-

Mother has been telling me nearly every day that, "a patient waiter is no loser," and I found she was right dear when your letter came this afternoon. I have been waiting so long and anxiously for it, and it is such a good one, that I have read it over three times I think already. Don't be alarmed at my answering so soon, only I want you Hon. tonight so much, for a good talk, that I just have to do the next best thing and write.

What a glorious time you had at Commencement dear, and I was so happy you could have your mother and Bloss and Gwen and her mother with you. I fear I was slightly absent minded at times myself then, for I found myself thinking of you, hon, continually. I wish I might have been there, but you were dear to tell me all about it, and next summer I can hear all the rest can't I sweetheart?

I don't wonder girlie you feel lonely at times, and I believe I know pretty well how you feel. There are surely not many girls or boys of our crowd left in Damariscotta. I feel so restless this summer, that I just have to keep busy every minute. I have been having a good time on picnics, trolley rides etc. but sometimes I get such a longing for Maine and you. Maybe it is because I had really planned on coming for so long before giving it up. Next summer I am coming though if I have to walk.

I am so glad you like the bracelet dear. If it means as much to you as yours does to me, you surely will love it more each day. I love yours dearly but I feel selfish for you may want it yourself. I have kept it so long now, tell me if you want it dear, and I can easily send it.

You are darling to send the pictures hon. and I am crazy to get them. Don't think I am selfish if I keep them both, for nobody can want them more than I do. Maybe I may repent though, for I fear mother might rob me.

How proud you should be of "your dear friend" Helen. Why even I feel glad I held his hand so long that night we went to Nobleboro - Do you remember? what fun we had! I am so glad Dr. Chipman is so much better, and they have such a nice farm. As for Billy I think we all should feel proud of him. Isn't he just splendid to go ahead as he has. I would like to see him too. Will you give me his address, for I want to send him a postal.

Yes I got a card from Harold and it was sort of a surprise party. I am glad if he has improved - There was a chance for it. That's mean isn't it but I wouldn't mind seeing him a bit. Is his address in Boston the same? I might (???) want to send him a card sometime. Knit_ [?]

Well Hon you never could guess what I'm up to, so I'll tell you. Well there is a dressmaking school here called Keister's college, where one can go, and the teachers cut and fit and teach and show us just how to sew and make things. It has been quite the fad for the girls here to go, and so I have been going. I made me a dimity dress, and it is darling and I am so proud of it. O it [is] lots of work Helen to make a dress. Now I am making another dress, blue piped in white. I think after many long years, when I weary of being a school-mam, I shall put out my dressmaking sign. O Hon. to think of you teaching at old L.A. The first day when you are sitting up there beside uncle Dudley, dont [sic] look up at those back seats for you will surely get to laughing, or crying. Bless your heart I know it will be hard at first, but you will get on all right I feel sure.

It will be nice to have Louise there too - won't it? Rufus surely is doing fine and I think he is pretty ambitious to work all summer too. You must be glad to have him home if only for over Sunday.

Well Grace and Bloss must stop growing so, or I shan't know them. Marion is just as bad I guess. She is taller than Mabelle now, and I can't boast much longer. She is growing so pretty and is a mighty attractive girl I think. She has a friend named Helen, and they are together just about as much as we used to be.

Hon, don't get deaf for I wouldn't like shouting at you through an ear-trumpet one bit. I am so sorry girlie (don't look at me) but honestly I am. Do be careful after this - will you teach me how to swim next summer?

Poor Jess! I can't help laughing for Helen what will it be!!!! And Helen Clapp - oh gee!!! Katherine has her hair cut short, and is too cute for anything. She told me the other day I could have something that I had been teasing her for, "when I grew bigger." I spose Harriet had sometime said that to her. Baby Harriet is the best baby you ever could know. She sleeps most of the time, and is laughing and happy when awake.

Well sweetheart it's long past bed time and I must give you a big hug and kiss and trot of[f] to bed. Give your mother a big kiss for me and tell her her "other girl" loves her hard. Now dearest do please write if only a note to one who loves you even more than ever if that is possible.


I am going to start knitting a sweater tomorrow.