A Letter Mailed on Mar 29, 1899

Two Books of Intense Interest
to Students and Alumnae of
Mt. Holyoke College.

Mount Holyoke Days in
War Time ...
Anna Stevens Reed.

The Mary Lyon Year Book
Helen Marshall North.

The Pilgrim Press
Congregational House, Boston           175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago
See special offer on 4th page.

"Mount Holyoke Days in War Time" is a story in which the characters are imaginary and the incidents fictitious, but the impression, according to those best qualified to judge, is remarkably true to life. The time is the period during the Civil War, when Mary Lyon was no longer present in the flesh, but while her spirit was felt with a power more distinct and definite than in the later years. The life of the college at that time, its earnest womanliness, its genuine love of all that is good, its wit and humor, its sorrows and anxieties, its loyalty to the nation, its deep religious character, all stand out clearly before the reader's mind. Those who were at the college before the time here described will rejoice to know of the life in the later days; those who have been there more recently will be glad to have the life of their predecessors described to them; those whose course lay during the period of which Miss Reed has written will, more than any others, live over again the happy, though anxious, days of school life as they read this remarkable story. The interest of the book lies along two lines - that of the experiences of those who remained perforce at home, and that of life at the wonderful college which has done so much for noble Christian womanhood the world over.

From Mrs. Elizabeth G. Mead, President of Mount Holyoke College.
The book will sell well, I trust. It is not descriptive of life here today, but is of the war time, and will reproduce it to the alumnae pleasantly.

From Mrs. Kathleen M. Phipps, President of the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association.
I am sure that not only all persons interested in Christian education, but especially all persons now or ever connected with Mount Holyoke, will welcome this book most warmly. It is bright, earnest, and true to a life at Mount Holyoke during the years '61-'64 inclusive. It has the flavor of those years. It does not profess to represent all phases of life there at that time, of course; the phase represented in this volume is the softer, brighter, more gentle - that phase which any one formerly connected with Mount Holyoke likes to remember. I am very glad that the life of Mount Holyoke During the period of our Civil War is to be rescued from oblivion by this publication. It will be of great value to those to whom it is a reminiscence, by reason of its associations; to the later students at Mount Holyoke, by reason of its contrasts with their own experience; to the Christian world, by reason of the gracious and practical Christian living which it sets forth; to those who do not realize the attractiveness, power, and value of Christian school life, by reason of the clear and sympathetic tones in which the melody of such a life is sung in this volume. ...

There are about 6,000 persons now living, I suppose, who have been connected with Mount Holyoke. I should think each one of these would wish a copy of Miss Reed's "Holyoke Days;" perhaps two copies - one for herself, and one to give to some bright girl to whom Holyoke's opportunities for developing another and a higher life would meet the want of that girl's heart like an angelic benediction.

The Mary Lyon Year Book is a beautifully made little volume, composed of selections from the words of the founder of Mount Holyoke for each day of the year. Miss Lyon's influence, more than that of most teachers who have won success equal to hers, was exercised by direct precept as well as by example and allusion. It is therefore possible to present in this way the spirit and trend of her teaching with unusual clearness. Not only her own pupils, but those who have come into contact with the institution where her spirit still lives, will get pleasure and profit from this book.

Published by
The Pilgrim Press, Congregational House, Boston.
175 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

See Special Offer on next page.

Special Offer
To Students and Alumnae of
Mt. Holyoke College.

Mt. Holyoke Days in War Time
374 pages, illustrated, is published at $1.25

The Mary Lyon Year Book
370 pages, handsomely printed on deckle edge
paper, and bound in buckram, with artistic dies
on front and back cover in gold, is published at
the same price, $1.25

We offer either book to Students or Graduates of
the College, postpaid for $1.00, or the two postpaid
for $1.75.

Address Orders to
The Pilgrim Press, Congregational House, Boston.
175 Wabash Ave., Chicago.