29th July 1896.My Dear Nellie -
Your two very welcome letters were received - the latter announcing the safe arrival of the Veendam.
I had received a short note from Miss Wento written while passing Great Britain and mailed the 14th at Boulogne. But I thank you very much for your kindness, Nellie, in letting me [know] of the news you had received.
The summer is passing swiftly, but very quietly with me.
I've not been very well all summer, and have kept more quiet than usual.
This little town is always quiet enough - just now it seems more dead than alive.
Jessie Stebbins is coming here soon, I am delighted with the prospect of a visit from her.
I dreamed about you last night, Nellie, perhaps that is one reason why I am writing to you today for it is hotter than --- well, than is good for anyone, far too warm for letter writing. I dreamed that it was the first day of the Fall term at Holyoke and I had just arrived. I seemed to be walking along @ front corridor, feeling very badly that all our dear '96 girls had left us, when, suddenly, I met your roommate. - I cannot tell what I said to her first, but I remember of asking her about Nellie. She said - why Nellie is here! I did'nt [sic] stop to ask where but raced off down stairs, nearly breaking my neck in the descent, and hustled thro' the Chapel, where I saw Edyth Tombes and Miss Slater! When I aoke I had not found you, - but was still in pursuit, and imagine I had started for E floor, sure at last of finding you. -
I was so delighted to know that Miss Wento had so much better a voyage than she expected. It seems to me her prospects of returning are better on that account, don't you?
Where are you expecting to be this coming year Nellie? Are your plans all made? I can't tell you ow much I wish you were to be at Holyoke! You will get up to see us once in a while, won't you.
I am hoping that I may see you some times in [or] around Boston! How far from Boston did you tell me you lived? Won't you be going in sometime about the beginning of the Fall term - or at Christmas time?
It is really too warm to attemp[t] letter writing. I am sure the result would not be good enough to pay for the effort, so I'll say good bye for this time. With much love, I am
Sincerely yours
Nettie.Vassalboro Maine.