Mt. Holyoke. Jan. 19th. 1849.Dear Aunt Sarane.
It is nearly seventeen weeks since Ada and myself embarked on board the steamer Globe from the Essex wharf and directed our course towards the celebrated Holyoke Seminary. At that time, as Sarah and myself exchanged the farewell kiss, she solemnly promised to write to me. Trusting in her integrity I have waited long for some friendly message from my Essex home but hope deferred has made the heart sick and long ago I arrived at the charitable conclusion that the carrier dove had been overtaken by forgetful ness but that with the morning light he would arouse and plume his wings for a more rapid flight. That morning has not yet arrived, and in the mean time I thought I would write a letter to you Aunty, for I was afraid to write Sarah first lest it should arrive at a moment when she was deeply interested in reading a book and she would be obliged lay it aside to read it which would not be worth while at all. You see dear Aunty that I do not fear but what you will find time to read this scribble and to write a line in return even though you may be baking, washing and ironing at one and the same time.
It is vacation now and we have enjoyed it thus far very much. Day before yesterday a party of us, twenty four in number, took a sleigh ride over to Amherst. Pa Hawks as the girls call him and Miss Peabody went with us. We went over all the College buildings and inspected their fine collection of shells, minerals &c We had a very pleasant time and the snow coming home only served for a variety without detracting from the enjoyment at all. I received a letter from Aunt Sarah a few days since, and a very precious letter it was too,
andIt did Ada and I a great deal of good and we easily imagined it was Aunt Sarah really talking to us. The principal item of news was that Grandmother was more comfortable though not able to leave her room . She also said that it was about decided that Joseph was preparing to enter the Sophomore class next fall. Tell Sarah that Aunt S- asked me if Sarah Augusta had written me. said thatshe hopedshe hoped she had but that she had not written to Danbury but once since she left. How I should love to see you all this vacation. You recollect the cake you put in my bag the night we left Essex. I thought it had been eaten but some time after I found a piece of the cake and notwithstanding it was very hard with the assistance of some water we made out to eat it, and thought it was very nice too. I do not mention this because we do not have enough to eat here, for we do, but it seemed homelike to have something that had really been there. O! Aunty I am getting over my squeamishness considerable and you will think so I guess when I tell you that I have been guilty of eating things here that I refused when I was in Essex, although they had been prepared by your nice, skillful hands. When I see you I will tell you what it is. Miss Scott is my Section Teacher and she is the sweetest one here. The Teachers are all good and kind. How is Sarah progressing in her studies? Is she all ready for examination next fall? Tell her I shall be very happy to hear from her when she thinks enough of me to write and please ask her to accept of a bunch of love. My love to Susan and her kitten and to Melissa and a sweet kiss to Tot. I hope to have a bundle from home next week. What a marrying time it has been in Clinton this winter. Please excuse all the mistakes in this letter for I have written in great haste and before many weeks have elapsed let me hear from you Aunty if it is convenient.Yours with much love
Libby. TalcottI'll ask Sarah's forgiveness for the naughty things I've said and we will make up with a kiss will we not Coz?
[Elizabeth Talcott is listed with a hometown of Clinton, Conn. in the 1849-1850 Mount Holyoke catalog. Adeline H Wilcox [sic] is also listed with a hometown of Clinton, Conn. in the same directory, and Elizabeth Talcott's gravestone is shared with Eliza Willcox Huntington, so I suspect that the Ada mentioned in this letter is Adeline Willcox and that they are cousins.]