A Letter written on May 30, 1921

of the
Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania
2121 North College Avenue

May 30, 1921.

My dear Miss Turner;

I have been at my desk many many times. Each time was interrupted by telephone call. I cannot tell you in words what a delightful time I had at college. I want to thank you for your share in making my visit a most happy one. Time was only too short. I have luck in making good connections; so I got to Philadelphia at midnight. I started my duty Monday. I did three minor operations that morning. They made me happy thru this week. I guess my happiness was due to the change that I had at college.

I do not know what service I could get this coming month. We change every two months. I had my two months on surgery. However I feel in my bones that I would get surgery again. Dr. Everitt - (the head of gynecology department) allowed me to do a perineorrhaphy on Saturday. The internes here were so surprized [sic] at this for Dr. Everitt had never given any interne a chance to do a perineorrhaphy by herself. I am glad for this opportunity. After I finished the operation, Dr. Everitt said to me, "Do you think it would hold." That is if I had built a strong perineum or not. I asked her to feel it. The operation was very successful. Since Dr. Everitt has given me the chance to do more operations than other internes, I want to show my appreciation by more conscientious application to my duties. She had an emergency - abdominal operation. I stayed at hospital last night to watch her patient. She went home and left her private patient to my care. I was up a great deal during the night. I would not mind to do extra work if I could get a chance to do operations under her supervision. Her technique is excellent.

The life of an interne is an interesting one. We have our funs also. We rub each sometimes in the wrong way. It is a good training. A rough stone needs polishing. One of the internes here is a queer specimen. She happens to be a graduate of this college. She just walked over us at first. Of course she learned her lesson in a short time. She went away last week. We played a trick on her. It happened she forgot to lock her apartment door. Three of us went to her room and made two dummies. One was dressed in her costume. Other was a man. The man was covered up with a white sheet with two bouquets of flowers. The woman was sitting beside the bed of the man. The whole thing is very picturesque. She came back this noon and met these two dummies. She was very much vexed. She could not see the fun at all. By the way she is an English. One of us is pursuing her to report this to the superintendent and we know the superintendent would not pay any attention to it. The poor girl could not see the fun and meanwhile we are about to burst. The poor girl took it so seriously and thought someone bought those two big bouquets. We have plenty dry flowers around hospital. The whole thing is so funny. She is not able to spot any for the eight internes.

I have a very good letter from home yesterday. My brother is very happy over my hospital experience. My father and my brother will equip my office when I get back home. Everything ahead looks so bright and cheerful. I am so happy that I studied medicine. My work is so interesting and I would not change with anybody. Everything has worked out to make me a more useful daughter to my country.

The telephone is calling me. I will stop this very minute.

Love to your dear mother and her companion. Great deal for yourself.

M. I. Ting.