Peiyang Women's Hospital, Tientsin, China.October 11th, 1926.
Dear Miss Turner;
Times and times I have started to write to you. Something [came] up every time. This is a snowy cold morning and I know my office patients [will] not come to see me. I am going to use this time to talk to you this morning.
First of all I want to thank you for your book on Industrial Hygiene. I have read half of it and every lecture is most instructing. China is an agrcultural [sic] country yet, but she is going into industry gradually. We have large factories of different kinds in large cities. There is no provision made for the welfare of workers. The capitalists exploit the work from these poor workers. While capitalists make millions and poor working men, women, children hardly make enough for their meager living. I was also much interested in learning that we are profited in modern civilization and we how [sic] we really have forgotten the contribution of these workers who are in dangerous occupations.
Just now I am giving a series of lectures on health to Nankai High school students. I give two lectures every week. The school principal has asked for eight lectures on personal hygiene, eight on home hygiene, and eight on public hygiene. I am getting a good deal out myself. When you give afew [sic] hours to each lecture you do get something out of it. Inspite [sic] of war conditions our work is going on as usual. Ofcourse [sic] we are not in war zone this time. I cannot say much here about our civil war. But this is true that a better day is coming and the progressive party is gaining. Public opinion is against militarism. China is hopeful for educationally it has made advances. When our people are educated other questions would be takencare [sic] of.
By this time Miss Purington must be back from her trip. She would be able to tell you everything concerning Mount Holyoke girls in China. I took her to see a party of my work as she had afew [sic] days time at Tientsin only. How we wished that she could have stayed longer. Just let me know when you are ready to make your visit to China and I would welcome you with open arms. But you must stay a year or so. With much love.