A Letter written on May 14, 1928

M. I. Ting M. D.
Peiyang Women's Hospital

My dear Miss Turner;

My Corona is getting so old and worn out for I had it since I was a student at Michigan. However it serves my purpose inspite [sic] of age. This is Sunday night and I am having sometime [sic] to myself. Your cards from Ann Arbor came and it was very kind of you to send them to me. University of Michigan do have [sic] some very funny ideas. I remember that when I was there women could notenter [sic] the Union by front door, but I thought men would be progressive enough to change that by this time. I have never been to the Union for the reason that I would not enter any other way but the front door. I suggested to juniors that they would not go with their men friends to the junior promenade if women could not enter the front door. One thing I must say that Michigan University is very good to her Oriental women students in everyway. [sic] In the same mail Miss Tsao wrote of meeting you at a tea one afternoon. She wrote that she was much pleased of seeing you. Did she tell you that she is a niece of the late Dr. Tsao? Miss Tsao is a very promising student. She is thinking of studying medicine. After this year she siad [sic] then she would decide her course.

Dr. Carl Back from Chicago is here at Tientsin for a short visit. He was much pleased with our work. We had quite a number of interesting cases to show him. He is going to give us a lecture on "Some recent advances in abdominal surgery." I hope that nothing will come in my way to prevent me this time. He gave one two weeks ago and I was forced to give up the last minute. He said that he would send me one of his X ray apparatus. This would help us much in our diagnosis.

Soon it would be end of another year. I am busy in getting a better staff for this hospital for this coming year. We are inviting a nurse from Detroit to be our head nurse and we also have exteneded [sic] an invitation to a Cornell graduate to be in the department of medicine. If possible I shall also go into special work after my postgraduate year. I think that I am ready to enter into special field as I have had alreay [sic] eight years of hospital work. It is indeed sad to relate that one of our medical students at Ann Arbor has tuberculosis. Her name is Dr. Ren. I was in hope that she would come home next year to take my place. Dr. Ren has gone to Saranac for a rest. We are not a strong race at all. My plan for leaving will be somewhat hindered.

Just now we are again in trouble on account of Japanese troops at Tsinanfu. Japanese soldiers have killed one thousand of our civilians and soldiers. China protested to Japan for sending troops to Shantung. Troops always cuase [sic] trouble anywhere. In name of protection of Japanese poeple [sic] Japan took advantage of China at this hour for she really intends to revert Washington Conference's decision. Friendship is worth more than material gain. Without Japan's interference this time there would have been a decided victory or defeat between two contending parties which would mean an end of civil war. Of what is the outcome of all this trouble no one can tell. Presonally [sic] I have miantained [sic] patience. I cannot tell you other political news for mail is strictly censored.

By the time this letter gets to you it would be vacation. I wish you a very pleasant trip to Europe this summer.

With much love.

Yours lovingly.
M. I. Ting.

May 14th, 1928.