The Tientsin Women's Hospital
Tientsin, China.November 11th, 1936.
My dear Miss Turner:
There is a very good article in the journal of A. A. U. W[.] October number entitled "The Presidency of Mount Holyoke College." The summary is exceedly [sic] good. As a whole we women have not same chances as men. Men still hold all important positions in governmental affairs. They make laws and they play all the important games of political life. General Chinag is the leading figure now in China. But to those who know him close would tell you that Madame Chinag is the leading inner man of his heart. She directs most important affairs of his political life without giving herself the credit. But I was happy to read an article written by General Chinag himself giving credits of his success to his mother and his wife. On his fiftieth birthday, people from every province contributed airplanes to national defense. No one has ever recievd [sic] such honor from people all over China as General Chinag. Indeed he deserves all as he is a man of many merits. Madame Chinag plays her part quietly and humbly.
Here I am enclosing an evelope [sic] with a cheque of one hundred dollars U. S. C. to the Mary E. Woolley Fund. [no longer with this letter] I am very happy to have a chance to give to this fund as my contribution to celebrate Mount Holyoke College Centenary.. [sic] My only regret is that I am not in position to give more now. Miss Carolyn Sewall will be our official delegate from China. The Mount Holyoke Alumnae are going to give some kind of artistic gift to a room. I do not know exactly what although I am a member also of this committee. I am not good at buying so I will ask Grace Liang to take my place. Kindly give this evelope [sic] to your field secretary Miss Mary C. J. Higley.
Our house is finished and we have moved in. We are enjoying our home. I am enclosing a few kodek pictures so you will know something about our home. [no longer with the letter] Before long we hope to have the pleasure of entertaining you at our home. Just now my second nephew from Shanghai is her[e] so we have a family of three boys and two girls. Mary Jean and Abby have a big yard to play. They are learning to ride on bicycles. Mary Jean is better at riding. It is rather difficult to induce Abby to ride. She is afraid to fall. By nature Abby is slow with muscular coordination. She is in fifth grade now and is doing well in her school work. Both Mary Jean and Abby are growing tall and big. They can take care of themselves fairly well. Our problems are just beginning for they like to imitate others in school. They will come home to tell me their friends have this and that. Their friends mothers allow them to do this and that. I told them if they want to be Tings they will just have to behave like the rest of our Ting family. Many parents are careless in bringing up their children. They think that they love their children by allowing them to have everything in life. Our boys are of college age so they do study hard and behave themselves. They are studious and are not interested in girls [sic] yet. We have few boys in town who hang around their girls all the time instead of doing thier [sic] studies. Our parents are begining [sic] to have problems which our grandparents never had.
Professionally I have been very busy last month for we had a large number of emergency cases. I am having much experience with anti narcotic work. These patients have given me much experinec [sic] along this line which I never had before. Our method is very successful and people are willing to pay for thier [sic] treatments. Our city government is doing all free for people instead of waiting for thier [sic] terms. General Chinag is right to get rid of this evil from China. He has given orders to open up enough clinics to cure these people before January 1st 1937. Death penalty will be given for further offence after January 1st 1937. This small hospital is doing her share for our government and our people.
There is a very fine article by Martha Jones in October No of the journal of A. A. U. W.. [sic] I know Dr. Jones and her work is on decayed teeth of babies. The subject is written in easy reading and is rather fasinating. [sic] I often think if all our money and energy could be used for pursuits of human happiness instead of false human supremacy we would be having a peaceful world for all.
By this time college has started on her year. Do you have many class periods this term? Are you carrying on any special experiemnt in your department this term?
Weather is getting very cold here. Tientsin is as cold as your New England States. I do not like cold weather for it is uncomfortable to get up at nights and we have so much night work at hospital. Winter is too long a season also.
Miss Calder has been in China and when she comes to college she would be able to tell you about my life here. She has seen my home and would be able to tell you about Abby. She read to her in English and Miss Calder said that Abby's pronounciation is good and has no foreign accent at all. As the school work is so heavy it is difficult for us to have extra lessons in English. But I am trying to help her not to forget what she has acquired. I close this letter with much love from all of us.
Yours lovingly.