A Letter written on Mar 7, 1937

Peiyang Women's Hospital
Tientsin, China.
March 7th, 1937

Dear Miss Turner:

Our letters have just crossed each other on the ocean. Indeed we are happy to know that Mount Holyoke College is going to honor Madame Chinag [sic] Kai Shek. She deserves every honor and she is loved by all women in China. How I wish that I could come to Mount Holyoke College's Centennial May 7_9, 1937 for this big celebration. Since this is impossible then I shall be satisfied in reading about this Centennial in Alumnae Quarterly. The article by Miss Carr "One Hundred Years of Science at Mount Holyoke College" is most interesting. The picture of Dr. Clapp is lovely. What long service Dr. Clapp gave to Mount Holyoke College! Her personality will remain with us forever.

I was little bit blue recently becuase [sic] of the lawsuit. I told you about some bad rascals sued me for bad administration of that Infant Asylum and this Hospital. To make the story short the whole city stood for me and our hospital board went on block to defend my case. Now the whole thing is over. From now on I hope we would have no further difficulty with these bad people. Afer all public opinion in China is a very strong defence. I did not sue these bad men for I feel what is right is right. Dr. Chang Po Ling siad [sic] to me one day. True gold can stand test. He was my brother during thes [sic] troublesome days. The trouble is over now and I am goin [sic] to Shanghai for a vacation of two weeks. The Medical Conference will be at Shanghai April 1st to 8th. I always enjoy our medical conference for one can learn much.

We are getting air minded and radio mined. [sic] All our boys want to learn aviation. Our government is encouraging this. Many boys have left their high schools and have gone to aviation schools. So far my two nephews have not been influnecd [sic] yet. I am glad that they feel they can help our country by other training than aviation. Many boys have joined military training also. My nephew is interested in his mathematics and physics. He is a very good student in both these subjects. The younger of my two nephews will come to America this coming fall to enter a school for agriculture. The school is near Ann Arbor. Berrien Springs is the name of the town. The school has only about five hundred boys and girls. Anyway for two years he can at lest [sic] learn to know the English Language. Our English is very inadequate now for government regulations emphasize scientifuc [sic] subjects and give little time to language studies. After this year I shall try to give little time to Mary Jean and Abby for more English. They are forgetting what they have learned in American School. When these girls graduate from their high schools they would not be able to enter American College becuase [sic] of thier [sic] language deficiency.. I thank you for those pictures for my nieces. They have had so many books and pictures from you. Abby showed me your Valentine to her. She was very happy. I guess that she will write one of these days.

We are not too busy in hospital these days. This is the best season of the year. Cold weather is over. Spring is almost here. We have to saty [sic] indoors too much in winter months. Do you still have a garden now? I shall begin to plan for our garden in front of our house. We have not a tree yet. The soil is rather alkaline so we can have only certain trees. Our new home is very comfortable. We just love to have you visit us.

My niece is doing well at Ann Arbor. She is active in too many affairs. But youth is youth in every land. We have a very fine serologist Dr. Kahn at Michigan University. Kahn test is most sensitive test for syphilis. I want Vung Yuin very much to spend part of her summer with him this coming year. Kahn test is also the most dependable method. Under Dr. Kahn she can learn the standard Kahn test which is the best in comparison to other methods. This was proven at the League of Nations Conference. What we do here in our laboratory we follow directions. But it would be such a valuable experince [sic] for her to learn direct from the author or originator of this test.

This is Sunday. I shall give sometime to my nieces in evening. It is time to visit patients so I would close this letter with love.
