A Letter written on Feb 23, 1937

Peiyang Women's Hospital
Tientsin, China.
February 23rd, 1937.

My dear Miss Turner:

It has been sometime since I have written you. The days are full of many fold duties. In my last letter I also said something about bad people were attacking me. To make the story short these bad people have all been released of their fat political jobs by attacking me with false fabrications. The case came before the Hoepi Charhar Polical [sic] Council, then the Tientsin Municipality finally the court. In every instance nothing could be said of my administration of this hospital. Every country has politicians so have we. The whole trouble came thru my honest administartion [sic] of the City Infant Asylum. During my time I was able to put improvments [sic] to the home with the monthly money alloted to the institution. With the change of the city mayor there was the change of this asylum. For ten months I did everything for the good of these children and then to have these bad people attacked me I felt pretty blue for few days. Now the lawsuit is over and I came out with more public support than ever. The whole city was with me on the case. Finally all pbulic spirited men came out openly to defend my case. In China public opinion is stronger than law. Now I am going to Peiping for a week end for my mind is tired with all these unnecessary annoyances.

We do thank you for your books. Digestion and Health is a very good for my office. Many of my patients can read English. Dr. Cannon was invited to P. U. M. C. for a series of lectures after his conference at Moscow two summers ago. The book for Mary Jean and Abby is a very sweet story. I have read it. Their English is not so advanced yet. But they will learn to read it this coming summer. They are very busy with their school work. They now study many more subjects than my days. It is getting almost impossible to have piano lessons. I do want them to be able to play. Just enough to amuse themselves. I always feel the lack of such an education for I do appreciate music.

Miss Woolley was very good in writing me a note of appreciation for my small gift to the fund. I wish the cheque could be larger but just now my responsibility does not allow me to do so. I have just heard from our branch member of Mount Holyoke College mentioned that some gifts of all alumnae are being sent to the college for centenary. The large box is being sent from Shanghai. I was on this committee for buying these gifts but I asked Grace Liang to be in my place. She has better taste. The box will reach college soemtime in April. We all want to do honor to the college we love.

Soon vacation will be here. Where are you planning to go? What special problem will you take up? I had a very nice letter from Miss Griffith from London.. I wonder if she would be back for Centenary. I shall watch papers and want to know all about that big celebration. I noticed that Mount Holyoke College is going to honor Madame Chiang. Indeed she is a deserving lady from every view point. She is a woman of charm as well as a woman of ability. As soon as the English copy of the Sianfu Revolt is out I would send you a copy. In this incident one would be able to know what an important part she played in rescuing the life of General Chiang. She is loved by all people in China. Mount Holyoke College has selected the right candidate to honor. We are happy for this honor that is coming to Madame Chinag. [sic]

In April I shall go to Shanghai to attend the biannual conference of Chinese Medical Association. This year Shanghai is going to have the inaugural ceremony of the Natioanl [sic] Medical College. Our government is spending large sums of money for establishing many medical schools in diffenert [sic] part of our country. This one at Shanghai will be just as good as P. U. M. C. China is making progress in science. Just last week there was the annual conference of China Geological Society. When I was a student in high school I never heard about any conference. Mary Jean and Abby asked me to be remembered to you. They have written you this vacation. With love.

This is Sunday. I shall give sometime to my nieces in evening. It is time to visit patients so I would close this letter with love.

Yours lovingly,
Me_iung Ting.