A Letter written on Jun 16, 1938

230 London Road, Tientsin, China.
Jun 16th, 1938.

Dear Miss Turner:

Your letter dated May 21st came yesterday. It made me very happy. You see days are very hard for us and letters are comforting. Out of our sufferings we have learned lessons of courage, patience and tolerance. We are denied the individual's right of thinking, feeling and pursuit of happiness. It would be foolish for me to predict our future. But inspite [sic] of all we are becoming more intelliegnt [sic], more courageous and more united people. It is only insane militarism believes that right can be gotten thru force. In history of a nation we cannot speak in days or months but in decades and centuries. Those of us who love peace still believe in peace and would work in peace. We are working like hermits to render what service we can to our neglected society.

I am most touched that your desire to help us. Financially we have been able to make ends meet. Our wants are few and our living is simple. It is the spiritual depression that is often hard and unyuilding [sic]. All staff doctors have returned. They have rendered most unselfish service to hospital. Only one resident is on salray [sic] basis and rest of our doctors are on voluntary basis. All speak for the spirit of this hospital in which I have given my sixteen years. I feel happy for at least this staff will stand by me at this difficult period. When I take this in view I feel that I can carry on inpsite [sic] of physical difficulties. Our hospital now is the only hospital in working condition since the trouble. That is the only one in Chinese city. I cannot tell you now all happenings since last July. But I know that I understand no fear and am willing to die for what is right. This is the spirit of our people also.

We are little bit disappointed in Vung Yuin. But we are slightly comforted to learn that the young man is from a very fine family and he is her equal mentally. We want them to be happy that is one reason why we wanted them to wait a year. I guess that this unsettled condition in China has much to do with this hurried marraige. [sic] Vung Yuin will continue her course. She has done excellent work and has been elected to medical honorary society recently. My third nephew is coming to America for premedical study. He will probably enter as a junior at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. This is a college founded by Friends. The college is small but of high standing. After his graduation he can go to a largeuniversity. I want him to go to Yale for his medical course. He is very quiet and probably he will get more out of his course from Yale than Michigan University.

I am sending this letter along with other letters so that is why I am writing at back of this sheet also. Before your letter arrived I have learned thru the quarterly that you are going to attend the International Physiological Congress in Zurick. The latter is a beautiful city. I close this letter to wish you a very profitable summer in Europe. With much love.

Yours lovingly.