A Letter written on Aug 3, 1948

[Inscription by Turner: "Please return at your convenience"]

132 Chengtu Road, Tientsin ( 10) China.
August 3rd, 1948.

Dear Miss Turner;

This is very hot weather here and we are rushed with work for summer months are bad months for sick people. This year we have many cases of dysentery and we have such good drug as sulfaguanidine that we no longer have fear of such disease. During occupation period we had many deaths among our babies but now with good care and this sulfa drug very few die from this disease. This is August and there are many students coming your way. It reminds me of my student days. Now our students are very well prepared in comparions [sic] to our time 34 years ago. Many of these students are coming to America for special work in different branches. The only fault of this education is that these students get nothing of college life. Practically they are going to big universities and many of them just enter for studies and never come into real contact with American people at all. Some of them stay to short a time like just one year. One just gets acquainted with life in general then one has to pick up and leave. I would say at least three years to do graduate study. I guess the new ruling with government students maxium [sic] time is three years stay.

I am taking this chance to send you a small package with two breakfast napkins for each, one package for your dear self, one for Miss Griffith and one for Miss Purrington [sic]. Kindly accept my little token with my warmest love for each of you. These are made by our refugee school children. Under International Relief Committee there are 3000 children under our care. These children come from all over China from communistic areas with their parents. During theirstay [sic] in this city we try to have schooling for them. These are made by our little girls. They are just learning. The characters are love and blessing. In China our writing is decorative art. To write good penmanship is considered an art. So that is why we frame writing and hang on our walls as pictures. There are 100000 Chinese refugees in town, 8500 Korean refugees and 1300 displaced persons. Being a chiarman [sic] of this International Relief Committe[e] means much work on my part. There are many people working for this relief organization but I have to call most meetings and do great deal planning.

Without Faith one cannot do anything. At the World's Y. W. C. A. conference the theme of the conference was Faith in Action. After three weeks's [sic] visit at South the whole picture of North China was changed. On my return the city was full of refugees. In communistic areas no religious freedom is allowed whatever. Many christians have been killed by communists. I consider communism is despotism plus destruction. I have faith that God will certainly not allow such ism to be powerful and dominate this world. This is just a matter of time but the sad thing is suffering of today among millions of our people.

I am just wondering if you are having your summer vacation away from South Hadley. It is getting little hard for me to be on my job for I am tired mentally after years of war and then to see this undertainty. I long to come to America for a year of further studies and some rest.

There was a Miss Wilcox who visited Tientsin. She teaches in a high school outside Boston. I told you [sic] to be sure to call on you if she should ever be near your town. Herown [sic] home is from Fairfield, Maine. She teaches Democracy in high school. This is indeed very interesting for it shows that yur [sic] government is preparing her citizens to be world citizens in this world of various ideologies and conflicting isms. I think the most important thing is to teach people the Fatherhood of God and we are His children. I close this letter with much love. It seems to me that I have not heard from you for long time.

Yours lovingly,