Dear Miss Turner;This is just to let you know that I am very happy to find your letter waiting here at Vienna. You are certainly good in writing to Mrs. Ross. I do not think that she is in town but I appreciate your thoughtfulness of me just the same.
I want just to tell you a little about my trip at Berlin and here. In Berlin I gave most of my time for sight seeing. I did go to Potsdam. I visited two universities and one hospital. At Kaiser Frederick Museum I spent the whole day. There was no time for opera at Berlin. The time wa short and I enjoyed my visit to the fullest extent.
Vienna is famous for music, kaffee restaurant and medicine. The first day my friends took me to an opera and a tea. I spent most of my time visiting clinics for there are two Chinese women students here taking post graduate courses. I saw a very fine demonstration of ectopic pregnancy - that is pregnancy outside of the uterus. I witnessed two major operations under spinal anaesthesia. They were beautifully done. I visited two children's clinics. I was unable to give much time for sight seeing but I did go to Schoenbrunn- Castle. The doctors here are most cordial and they all speak English. One assistant professor and his wife invited me to an afternoon tea in their home. They are both doctors. I think people begin to know that China is making progress and people here are very much surprised that Chinese women are studying abroad. Of these two students one came from America, other had her training in China but speaks German only. I also met a doctor who is studying rural health in European countries. His main office is at Geneva but he travels from cuntry [sic] to country. Just now he is at Vienna at the same hotel here.
These two Chinese women students had me for meals. I feel sorry for them that they cannot get good homes to live. It is hard life to be without running water and steam heating. Their rooms look so dark to me. They are brave women. I feel happy to see that our women are devoting their time to a cause. They were so good to me.
Indeed the trip is a short one but it gives some idea of my plan for future in regard to myself as well as to others who need verbal help. The trip has sone this for me that is I have determined to learn German on my return. With few lessons I had they helped me much. If chance permits I would like to study here at Vienna next vacation.
With love. Yours Lovingly,
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