A Letter written Jul 29, 1947

July 29th, 1947.
132 Chengtu Road, Area 10, Tientsin

My dear Miss Turner;

If I have wings I would want to fly to you right now to tell you of my finishing working toward my ten million dollars scholarship fund in honor of you my dear beloved professor once and now my life friend. I have not written to Dr. Wu yet about my completion of this fund today. This is about the end of July and I am ready to send this fund to Ginling College any time. Just now the bank asks for a rate of sixty thousand dollars to do this business transaction. I am waiting for my nephew's coming. When he returns to Nanking he can take this money in cash to Dr. Wu then save the business fees for something else. After my finishing this letter to you I would write to Dr. Wu to ask her to select a student in honor of you beginning this coming fall. But I want you to know first although Dr. Wu will get the real news first for a letter will reach her in two days and my letter at least two weeks to you. I am sending you Dru Wu's letter in which she mentioned that the fund m[a]y be sufficient for two full scholarships. If so then I would like to honor Miss Purington at Ginling College also. I feel christian education for our women is one way to help our country. If we have good women leaders in various activities of life China would be a different China today. Ginling College stands high in her scholastic standing in society and many officials send their daughters to Ginling on account of high estimation these government officials have for Dr. Wu. In fact people call Dr. Wu Miss Wooley [sic] of China. I have noticed myself the good influence of christian women leaders in China and the places of high estimation they hold in society. Many foreign journalists said that Chinese women are beautiful in their character and that men are not their equals in this respect in China. Among traitors there is no woman who sold herself to Japan. Mr.s [sic] Wong was taken as a traitor on account of her husband who worked for Japanese. Christian colleges in China give their students intelligent truths, good health and moral force. Before the war I did not have much respect for our pastors. During years of war I have noticed no people in China had so much moral fibers in them as our pastors and our christians. Some of our older christians have moral fibers in them but not intelligent truth. When I was a young student one pastor said that God took his little girl away. Later I learned that she died of diphtheria. I want our younger generation to be truthfully intelligent in scinece. [sic] Then the teaching of Jesus is the only way for life. Jesus teaches us to give, to serve, and to love. If the world would give, serve, and love certainly there would be peace. We can differ in many phase[s] of life activities but certainly we cannot differ in spirit to give, to serve, and to love. These three lessons are so simple yet these three lessons we fail as individuals as nations and as countries. I am as happy tonight that I have realized these values of a chrsitian [sic] educaiton. I have gotten the education because somebody or a group of people were willing to give. Thus I want in my small way to perpetuate this spirit of giving to honor a teacher whom I respect and whom I love.

There are many students coming to America this year. My only hope is that they would be as fortunate as when I was a student 33 years ago. I have signed my name to their health certificates and to each I said a few words of advice. They are now better prepared than the time when I went to America. For thirty years China has made rapid progress in scientific education until invation. [sic] Now we are launching out agian [sic] although rehabilitation would take long time. Anyway we are happy to be able to work without interference.

If condition is better how I wish that you are here to see for yourself various activities of our christian women leaders. I am very busy every day but everyday is a happy day for me. My walking is little bit handicapped by the fall but I am noticing the difference not others. Directly or indirectly we all suffer from results of war. In our examination of students this year we have noticed high percentage of tuberculosis among our students 40 per thousand by X ray.

I was so happy to hear about your getting of my little gift from Yangboy and your week away to Lock Lyme Lodge. I wish the day would not be too far for me to visit you. I am waiting for my nephew's return. I close this letter with much love and affection.

Yours Me-iung.