A Letter written around Nov 17, 1929

Dear Miss Turner:-

Altho. I am in this country yet we have not had chance of seeing each other[.] I have been at my work almost six weeks. So far I have had interesting cases and studies. I was offered to be a regular resident on the staff of Pediatric Department. I did not take it in fear of responsibility. I need time for reading and study cases. Then I am also trying to get a book finished for mothers in China. We finished one book last year on care of pregnant women. This will be on care of children. I could at least gather enough material here for in China I would not be able to have such good library. In evenings I am attending good lectures and fine concerts. I am really having a most joyful time. It is so good to get away from work and just play. I can study to advantage as I have much material. The new hospital is more than eleven hundred beds. There are about two hundred beds for children. Everything is right here and I can follow each case to an end.

As I would not have a chance of seeing you right away so I am going to pay you a visit by sending a picture of myself. In the evelope [sic] you would find an article which I wrote recently for a year book of Yenching College. There is also a little article written of me by a Frenchman. [All enclosures mentioned are no longer with the letter.]

Your letter from Woods Hole came to me at last. It has travelled to China and back. I had a visitor the other day who told me about the International Physiological Conference at Boston. He told me to read up the summary in the last number of Journal of Physiology.

With love,
M. I. Ting.