My dear Miss Turner;This is just to let you know that I would spend my spring vacation with you if that is the time convenient for you to have me. I would reach Holyoke probably April 12th for I think we are at least twenty four hours apart by train. Our work starts again April 21st. This means that I must leave April 20th. I shall be glad to stay for that scientific conference for I would be able to learn something also.
I would bring my work along for I could do a little during vacation also. I have had so little time for there are so many calls for speaking from the office. People approach the office of our dean and sometimes it is hard to refuse. I am going to Amarillo, Texas this coming Friday. I was away at Nebraska University last week. But after spring vacation I have decided to give all my time to finish my little book.
With love.
M. I. Ting.