A Letter written around Sep 14, 1929

American Mail Line
President Liners
Round the World

My dear Miss Turner;

This is just to let you know that I am actually in your country. From San Francisco I shall stop at St. Louis to see Dr. McLean first. Then I shall go straight to Ann Arbor. I am sure that I shall enjoy my year of post-graduate work. I have not seen the new hospital yet.

Miss Harriet Newhall sent me a wire in regard to my niece. I was unable to take her along as Mount Holyoke College could only give a partial scholarship. We cound not send her to America on partial scholarship basis as her other expenditures could be rather heavy. Just before I left China my friend told me that Bryn Mawr College has an available scholarship for Chinese student for 1930. The scholarship covers tuition & board. Thus my niece has written to that college for entrance examination. I am sorry that Mount Holyoke College has no full scholarship for Chinese student now. My niece has sent to Miss Newhall a composition in English which she wrote at beach. I think that she is really a very bright girl. Her teachers speak highly of her work. If you have further news let me know.

With love.
Yours Lovingly.
M. I. Ting.

333 E. Washington St.
Ann Arbor Mich.