University of Michigan
Medical SchoolMy dear Miss Turner:-
My journey is about to come to an end and my career is about to start. I am indeed happy that I selected medicine as my profession. I have finished all my examinations and state board. To-morrow the faculty is going to pass our names. I was excused from Surgery, Medicine, Pediatrics and Therapeutics. Every student who maintained a "B or A" standard during the year was excused from Surgery and Pediatrics. Medicine is a big field and I begin to think of going into special work. I do want to go to John [sic] Hopkins but I cannot do it just now.
I will be a camp physician this summer. My internship begins 1st of October at Detroit Woman's Hospital. After six months there, I am coming to East.
I guess your commencement is over about this time. We medical students here do not have any social function. I am having these days to pack.
I won't talk too long tonight. I shall write to you during vacation. I feel bad because Dr. McLean cannot come for my graduation. She has been sick for long time.
Remember me to your dear mother.
With much love.
Yours Lovingly.