West Philadelphia Hospital for Women
West Philadelphia, Pa.
Dec. 19. 1921.My dear Miss Turner:-
This is just a little note to you. A cable message from Dr. Tsao was received this morning two o'clock, message is as following:- "Insecurable, come."
My decision is to go to New York City this coming Thursday and have a personal interview with the resident physician of Willard Parker Hospital. I would like a three months service instead of six. I could sail in April and start my work at Tientsin in May. It would take me almost three months to get ready for sailing. I could get some training in contagious disease while waiting for my passport, instruments etc.
I got my instruments for tonsillectomies. I learned both dissecting & La Force methods. I tried ten cases last week with my new instruments. They are (instruments) alright. My cases got along beautifully too. Several instruments are being made specially because I cannot get them in America.
With much love.
M. I. Ting.