A Letter written on Oct 30, 1879

Sem. South Hadley. Sept. 30

My dear Fanny,

I hope you are not quite out of all patience with me for my delay. Carrie Lu wrote me that as it was near vacation time and I did not like to write letters in vacation she should not expect to hear from me very soon. And I sort of thought all my correspondents would be as considerate. But truly the summer term was very short & busy and my vacation so taken up I had time for very little outside of housework. Besides you seemed to be doing so well when you last wrote I felt quite easy about you. Though now I am desirous of hearing how that affair that seemed to be ripening from esteem to affection progresses and the picture if it is of yourself I shall be delighted to get. I have been just as busy as usual. These four weeks with Examinations &c. and I could not find time to write now but it is Wed. morning day & the hammers are going all around me. I have scarcely written a letter this term outside of my family. Effie McKennan's father died just before this term opened. I have a section the Gs & Hs. Do you remember Flora Horton, Antoinette Hungerford & Olive Johnson. They are in it. There are a good many back who were here two or three years ago. There are 35 in the senior class I believe. Marion Hall came & wanted to graduate but she had too much to do and has gone home & means to return & study part of this year & graduate next year. Miss Votey, Ruth Pennock & many others whom you know will be in next years class. Hadn't you better come? Now my dear won't this do just as well as if what I have written had been spread over a sheet or two of paper! And won't you write all about yourself to your old friend

M. C. Townsend.

Miss Forylton [?] is here & Miss Steele is expected at Christmas time.