May 26, 1924Dr. Cecil Drinker,
Harvard School of Public Health,
VanDyke Street,
Boston, Mass.Dear Dr. Drinker:-
I am inclosing [sic] a copy of a letter which I have just written Dr. Boyden, as secretary of the Division of Medical Science. I think it needs no comment, and that it is in harmony with the things which have been said previously.
With regard to the summer date. Our Commencement is on June 10. I shall need about two weeks to get orders for next year off and some other things done. As I now see it, I could probably get to Boston about June 25 or 26 for the introductory work of which we spoke. Would that be a convenient time? I do not know the week of the Harvard Commencement, nor how much of a ripple that event makes in the affairs of your laboratory. I could make the time later but not earlier. May I ask you what the financial arrangements for this summer work would be?
Sincerely yours,
[Unsigned, but written by Abby H. Turner]