A Letter written on May 14, 1924

May 14, 1924

Dear Miss Comstock :-

I am sorry that my lack of records is occasioning trouble to the Radcliffe offices. The lack of record of the research which filled nearly all the time is not surprising. There should be record somewhere of my having taken the course in Biological Chemistry in due and regular manner, and also the Division of Medical Sciences should have a record of my preliminary examination. This was in the spring of 1910 when Dr. Theobald Smith was chairman. The secretary was Dr. F. T. Lewis, I think. Dr. Cannon and Dr. Porter, with whom I was working in research, are still at the Medical School. Dr. G. H. Parker was the examiner in Zoology which was one of my minors. Several of the others who were present are not now at the school.

I have had some correspondence with Dr. Porter and I think he will write you.

Sincerely yours,

[Unsigned, but written by Abby H. Turner]